You’ve picked the date, you know the venue and you know exactly how you’re going to pop the all important question. The only thing missing is the engagement ring. Wouldn’t it be so simple if the perfect engagement ring would just magically appear in front of you? The ring of your partner’s dreams – one that they would be hard pressed to say no to? Well, chances are they aren’t going to say no to you in any case, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard to find that perfect engagement ring to make your big day extra special. In this blog we’ve got for you some of the top dos and don’ts for your engagement ring shopping.
DO: The Research

Research is the most important aspect of engagement ring shopping. It is essential that you read up as much as you can about ring designs, styles, settings, gemstones, pricing, quality, jewellery offers etc. Research the best jewellery stores closest to you, read reviews and find yourself some experts whose opinion you can trust. This is one of the most important purchases of not just your relationship but your life – you definitely want to equip yourself with as much knowledge as you can so you can make an informed decision.
DON’T: Rush In

Don’t be in a hurry to make the final purchase. Give yourself ample time before you make the decision. It might as well be that you end up buying the very first ring you had seen but don’t do without at least having seen a few others. It is only when you’ve analysed and compared multiple rings will you truly know what’s out there and what really is the best choice for you and your partner.
DO: Set a Budget

Once you’ve conducted your preliminary research you will have an idea what the standard price range for an engagement ring is. Set your budget and be realistic. Remember that engagement is only the first step…you’ll have to plan a wedding next! Set yourself a practical budget, and limit your search within that range. There’s a beautiful engagement ring available for every budget in the market, you just need to look hard enough!
DON’T: Limit Your Options

A common misconception people have about engagement rings is that it must feature a diamond. Sure, diamonds are the traditional choice of gemstone for engagement rings but we’ve come a long way in the fashion industry. Colourful gemstones are just as popular and gorgeous as diamonds when it comes to centerpiece selection for engagement rings. Don’t limit your options, and look at all varieties that fit within your budget. Opting for colourful gemstones will also allow you to consider your partner’s birthstone for that added level of protective properties!
DO: Know What Your Partner Likes

While it’s good to take tips off the internet, it’s also crucial that you know what your partner likes. Are they a person who loves bling or someone who prefers to keep things minimal? Do they have a preference for a gemstone? Have they ever hinted toward what kind of ring they would like? Keep your eyes and ears open at all times and get all the scoop you can about what their expectations are. Another important thing to know about them: their ring size! If you don’t already know their ring size, then either consult with their family and friends, or take a look at our free ring sizer online to figure out how you can measure it yourself (sneakily, of course!).
DON’T: Be Afraid to Customize

Don’t be under the impression that you can just walk into a store, find that perfect ring and walk out. You’d have to be ridiculously lucky for that to happen. Chances are, you’re going to end up customizing a ring. Whether it’s just the size, the stone, the setting or the entire design…don’t be afraid of a little customization. The more thought you put into it, the more unique the ring will be. You could even opt for a custom handmade ring or create a more affordable replica of an expensive design!